We look forward to welcoming you back to The Neon Museum soon. In the meantime, immerse yourself in Las Vegas history with a custom Neon Museum Zoom background!

Impress your friends, family and colleagues by showing up to your call in the coolest spot in Vegas.

To apply your new background on your desktop Zoom app, follow the steps below. To apply the background on mobile devices and for further instructions, please refer to Zoom’s official guidelines.

  1. Choose your preferred background below and click on the image to download and save to your computer.
  2. Log in to your Zoom account and navigate to your account settings.
  3. Select “Virtual Background” and then choose the plus “+” icon to upload your desired image as a background.
  4. Deselect "Mirror my video" so the image displays properly.

Click on the images below to download your favorite backgrounds. A new window will open with the full-sized image. 

If you use a Neon Museum background, share it on social media and tag us! @NeonMuseum (Twitter/FB) @TheNeonMuseumLasVegas (Insta)

SmallerNeonMuseumLaConchaWhite copy

SmallerNeonMuseumRedSignsWhite copy

SmallNeonMuseumLostVegasWhite copy

Neon Museum Downtown Aisle daytime

Treasure Island and Las Vegas Club in Boneyard at night

Betelgeuse sign at night

Small business section of Boneyard at dusk

Guns n Booze sign at night

brilliant horseshoe stardust dennys sahara liberace

brilliant horseshoe stardust terrible's

brilliant sweetheart


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