We’re excited to share our next “Why I Give” Neon Museum member profile with you. Today’s member is Norman Kresge who has been interested in Las Vegas history for over 50 years!

Kresge Wave UTQ & A with Norman Kresge, The Neon Museum Member

Q: When/how did you get involved with The Neon Museum?

A: I became a member years ago after I visited the museum for the first time.

Q: What attracted you to the museum?

A: I have been interested in Las Vegas for over 50 years and I appreciated the work the museum was doing to preserve our history. I stayed at the Aladdin (hotel and casino) when it was a two-story motel, and I have seen implosions of our history too many times. The Neon Museum helps save part of the city’s history as we build newer, bigger, and different places.

Q: Why do you give to The Neon Museum? What motivates you to stay involved?

A: I enjoy the programming the museum has, and it’s a place I take out-of-town visitors who have never been in there.

Q: Do you have an anecdote about the museum you would like to share?

 A: Two things come to mind — I happened to be at the museum a night when Tim Burton was there, with friends in the gift shop. The other very memorable night was the program Remembering the Frontier Strike, and how the women stuck together and won the fight!

Q:  In your opinion, what is the most important work that The Neon Museum does?

A: It’s so important to educate residents and visitors about our history and how these signs played such large role in the development of Las Vegas to the town it is now.

Q: What do you hope the organization will achieve over the next ten years?

A: More gallery space and the continued acquisition of historical signs in danger of being lost.

Q: Who do you think would enjoy a visit to The Neon Museum?

A: Almost anyone would enjoy a visit to the museum. I have a Happy Shirt sticker on the back window of my car, and I’ve been asked about it. I hope those people take the time to visit the museum.

Q: What’s your favorite sign and why?

A: The Ugly Duckling Car Sales sign ranks as one of my favorites, but I won’t list them all. There are so many I could name. I would suggest people visit and pick out their own favorite.

Learn more about Happy Shirt and Ugly Duckling signs.



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